Saturday, March 28, 2009

What the world thinks is manliness...

Wow, it's been a while since I wrote here!
Lots of stuff has happened since the last time, good stuff and bad, but God is good through it ALL.

I worked today with some people from my old McDonalds...and it got me thinking about how I hated it and why I hated it...basically, I was a girl. And now I'm doing my best to reclaim the essence of masculinity. I was working with my best friend (at work anyway) and we have this tendancy to make crude jokes (I don't enjoy them, but for whatever reason, I follow along) and I thought...'why do I make these jokes? Am I trying to prove I'm manlier than I was? That my sex drive and my sexual thoughts are operational?' and that's when it hit me:

The world's idea of manliness has a lot to do with the masculine sex drive. Seriously. Guys really think a man is a man (or THE man) if he sleeps with the hottest girl, or can hit on them or whatever. The world thinks manliness is about sex.

I'm not claiming to know exactly what manliness is because that is a journey I'm on right now...but I know it's a lot bigger than sex. Just my thoughts for the day.

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