Sunday, August 30, 2009

If there's one thing I enjoy doing, it's looking back and seeing where I was and where God has brought me. I talked to God majorly about the stuff I talked about in my last blog and I must say, I have had an improved attitude. And it's God who did it. and He did it by Himself. What I mean is that He didn't have to send a book my way or a song (although songs have been getting to me this week..) I believe it was just one of those places where He said, "sure, I'll take that from you. I'll give you more joy in place of the negativity."
And as great as all that is, and it is, I want to say that it's not half as great as the God who has done it. In my world civ class, we've been looking at Mesopotamia and stuff and the issue of religion comes up (not in debate form, but just in review and in study) and something I thought was pretty cool was that in those days, they had gods of everything. gods of harvest and of water, sun, the dead, weather, and whatnot. And I was thinking while my professor was talking about that, "God has all that under control." And the song I've been listening to all week (and I'm so glad we did it this morning at church) is "Praise the Father, Praise the Son" by Chris Tomlin. My favorite is the bridge. It's the last part of the Lord's prayer--Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the power, Yours is the glory forever.
I guess that's my life lesson this week. Even though I've dealt with sin, even though I've been lonely, God is still in control, and when I can't fight, I can crawl up in my Dad's lap and ask for His help. No matter what, the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are all His. Papa God has got this under control.

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