Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's all in place.

This journey with the Lord truly gets better and better as time goes on. Whoever wrote the song "Sweeter" obviously was not lying or faking.

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

You know, I'm thinking about all of the "types" of Christians, and how they (we) each have our weaknesses and strengths. But I think universally we forget the enemy at times, and universally we are attacked by him.
Ephesians 6:12
We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world.

We need to understand that we fight an enemy that's as real as God, but is as evil as God is loving.
1. When we're under condemnation and guilt and shame, it puts everything into perspective, realizing that it's not your or God's fault.
2. It keeps us sharp, fighting the enemy.

Today I received that God has everything in place. That what I don't have now, God's preparing for me later.
Example, a girlfriend. My old youth pastor talked to me today after church, and she asked,
"So Jeff, are there any girls in your life?" "As in interests?" I replied. "Yeah, there's one. But she likes (so-and-so,) she told me so herself."
"Ohhhhh...girls are so messed up, Jeff! I mean, you're a great Christian, you're handsome, you're smart...why wouldn't girls like you? Girls have problems, trust me, I am one!"
And that was really encouraging, to know my efforts aren't overlooked. Also inside the same 24 hours, I was approached by that girl and we talked straight-on about how I felt and how she felt, and got it worked out. Honestly, I still like her and it hurts to know she likes my accountability partner, and I can't even fathom trying to be happy for them if they got together.
But, as we were talking about all of this, she said to me, "You're going to marry an awesome girl who could make you happier than I ever could." I wanted to say, "BUT I WISH THAT WEREN'T TRUE! I WANT YOU TO MAKE ME HAPPIER THAN I COULD EVER BE!" But...I refrained. Because I began to think, if this girl's not everything, and there's more for me, than it's like...DANG!!! Man, my wife's gonna be incredible!

One of my favorite books (and I haven't even read it!) is Walking with God by John Eldredge. It's a down-to-earth account, journal, and guide to and about simply walking with God and hearing His voice.

We hear it so often...that God has a plan.

But I'm telling you, GOD HAS A PLAN!!
John 10:10
A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.

That was Jesus talking.
Do you realize that God has the master plan for your life already mapped out and He's ready for you to trust Him for it and learn to hear His voice. Because I assure you:

Where something is lacking in your life, or you're lacking something in your life, God has more for you.

I promise. I don't know much about God and His plan but I know that by the blood of Jesus, we have a better covenant based on better promises.
This is my hope: that every time I stop looking at a picture of a pretty girl (not even revealing ones) every time I pray for God to help me to not masturbate, every girl I get over my crush on, every time I resist pornography, every time I bounce my eyes in public, that is one more way I can honor my future wife, and because of it, our marriage will be healthier than I could ever possibly imagine.
The same is true for any part of our lives. Any time we honor God's plan instead of our own, we prepare our soil to receive God's great promises.
Ask God what that is in your life.

He is good, and greatly to be praised.

In Christ,
Micah 6:8

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