Friday, January 16, 2009


Ever since my fakeness of the past year, charity and the concept of compassion have turned me off. I've never liked them much. But tonight it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I was asking my mom when dinner would be ready, and I put on my sad-puppy look and voice and said, "I'm hungry!"

Then it just hit. I wasn't thinking about it. It just hit. Wow.

"It" is the reality of the hunger going on around the world. Like, let's take a look.

Over here in America, I have gas in my car, a coat to keep me warm, food on my table, and cash in my pocket in case anything goes wrong. And even when nothing is wrong that cash is used to buy luxury.

Then over there, they walk everywhere they go, exhausted, sometimes without water. They go hungry for days on end, and they can't buy any luxuries.

Man. Thank God I'm not beating myself up, it's just that all of a sudden I want to ACT! I want to stop using my money so selfishly and use it to bring others the joy and warmth of food, clothing, and maybe even a toy.

There really are people out there who are less fortunate than I. They exist.

I always thought compassion was for freaks and activists. I'm not an activist by any means, but I sure don't want to sit on my fat butt stuffing my face with all the food I can buy and indulging my eyes with all the movies I can buy and listening to all the music I can buy.
Okay, I'm done.

"We will be Your hands, we will be Your feet, we will run this race for the least of these. In the darkest place, we will be Your light, we will be Your light."
-Solution, Hillsong United.

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