Saturday, January 10, 2009

"gimme" faith.

A friend of mine once said something that, in retrospect, is profound.
She was dealing with the dryness of her faith, she said...

"maybe I'm seeking His hands and not His face."

How true is that? That's big these days. I have heard of preachers who stress and wear out the topic of "living a life of miracles."

"If you're not walking in a life of miracles, you're not living up to your inheritance."

What? I just have to ask, what if you don't give a rip about miracles? What if that portion of your inheritance you don't care about? What if you'd rather genuinely love the outcast and feed the poor? Then are you living below your inheritance? Man, I think that anyone who has the ability to share their faith genuinely with a homeless person has gone above and beyond any "inheritance" we could possibly dream of.

Okay. Let me just say what I think about miracles. I believe God used to perform miracles, I believe God still performs miracles, and I believe God performs miracles if it's His will. It's for His glory. John Piper said it so well,

"The love of God is not to be made much of, but to make much of Him."

So basically, it doesn't matter if He rids us of our cancer or lets us walk again, or gets rid of our headaches, He can let that happen if He wants. It's His world. it's His will. Our job is to love Him and love others, not perform miracles. Anyway. I do believe that we have access to miracles and healing, etc, but it's not the point. The point of our faith is straight up worship and adoration of the Lord, and everything from our saving and spending habits to our relationships to our evangelism will be affected by and stem out of that love for the Lord.

I would personally LOVE it if I heard God audibly promise me that He'd abandon me if I ever became a "gimme" Christian. There are days when I wish He didn't love gimme Christians. but He does.

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